Arla and Sainsbury’s in joint Beef Programme

Posted on: 04/08/20

Arla have announced a voluntary Angus Cross beef scheme with Sainsbury’s to help its ‘every calf has a value’ policy.

It is understood, calves will be a minimum 10 days and maximum 41 days old and will be centrally collected and go to Blade farming with the eventual destination of ABP.

Qualifying heifers will be paid out of £156 and bulls £242 if they are sired by one of two Genus Angus bulls.

The scheme is voluntary and open to all Arla farmers. However, the mirror image scheme Sainsbury’s are imposing on its aligned Dairy Development Group farmers (Arla and Muller) is a very contentious matter, which has a number of farmers steaming. More on that in Ian’s next dairy farmer article.