The Only Way Is Up Baby

Posted on: 02/06/20

With spot milk prices having risen to 27 – 28ppl and rising, the big question is when, in June not July, will those on a B price see it overtake their A price. It seems inevitable very soon and must shortly to be followed by A price increases from 1st July.

The positivity in the market is almost electric and buzzing with excitement. Futures markets rising report 6 consecutive positive weeks with its future average back to the 16th March pre Covid lockdown level.

Cream up from lows of 75pkg to £1.30.

SMP prices recovering.

Spot milk reported at 28p today.

Come the 1st July, Ian’s expectation is for a tidal wave of milk price increases and not by fractions of a penny. All eyes will then turn to the milk buyers who have been paying the lowest prices and taking extended credit to check they do right by their producers and don’t try to pocket the increases for their own treasure chest. No longer will milk buyers be saying you can leave to go to another buyer when you want to with no notice required.

Markets are strengthening by the day and Ian’s prediction is for July, August and September farmgate price increases as this market bounces up with force.

The Yazz hit has lyrics went as follows:

“We’ve been broken down
to the lowest turn
bein’ on the bottom line
sure ain’t no fun.
Hold on it won’t be long”

For a few hundred producers, any July 1st increases can’t come quick enough.