Stand on June milk price for almost all Arla Members

Posted on: 20/05/20

Arla’s member milk price for both conventional and organic will remain at the following levels until July 1st.

Standard liquid litre price 28.78ppl and based on a manufacturing standard litre price of 29.89ppl.

Organic standard liquid litre price at 37.48ppl and based on a manufacturing standard litre price of 38.93ppl.

In reality the June price has actually reduced by 1 Euro Cent however there is a 1 Euro Cent addition scheduled to start from June 1st as a climate check/change incentive.

There are less than 180 GB Arla farmers who have yet to sign up and submit their details including those for  Arlagarden Plus details . This is why its effectively a  stand on price claim for the majority of Arla members.. Those 180 or so have until 2nd June to sign up and the likelihood is only a very small number will fail to cross that line and sign up so it will be 1 Euro Cent off and 1 Euro Cent on for almost everyone.

In the press release the key comment to note other than the price is “The market outlook remains uncertain, with the likelihood of negative development”. This must surely be Danish speak for we expect the milk price to ease in July.