The Co-op (Muller) makes it a trio of retail giants in the firing line

Posted on: 10/06/22

Within minutes of yesterdays Tesco and Sainsburys July farmgate milk price comments, came responses from Co-op aligned producers mirroring the other two. The July 1st Co-op (CTRG) farmgate milk price is only 43.35ppl.

It’s a basket price calculation as follows:

  • Muller Direct price 46p
  • Tesco aligned price 42.34p
  • Sainsbury aligned price 41.7p
  • Co-op aligned price 43.35p which is a simple average of the three basket prices.  

Were it not for the seismic 1st July increase for Muller Directs the Co-op price would be 42ppl. Producers were quick to point out that like Sainsburys the Co-op Dairy consultants of choice are Kite. Now it’s possible that like Sainsburys the Co-op Dairy Team of 8 not so wise lads and lasses are selective in which advise they listen to from Kite and it appears the call for a 50p farmgate price in early April by Kite fell on deaf retailer’s ears.

For those readers who are non-aligned and believe the aligned to these three retailers all of whom use Muller as a processor have had it good and should stop bleating, just remember 3 big retailers buying milk at 4 to 5p a litre less than its competitors will cascade down and not help get retail or farmgate milk prices to where they should be. Food for thought.