Still to move on milk price – unless you know otherwise

Posted on: 07/05/21

Note all of these are involved in middle ground liquid or brokerage with the exception of Wyke:
•    Lanchester – held for May due to falling cream prices at 25.7ppl standard litre.
•    Medina
•    Payne’s
•    Cotteswold
•    County Milk
•    Dairy Partners (Newcastle Emlyn)
•    Greencroft (North Lakes)
•    Jacksons  
•    Llaeth Cymreig
•    Pensworth
•    Wyke Farms
Unless Middle ground liquid processors up their game they run the risk of losing some producers at short notice or No notice. In the past week Ian has exchanged emails with 11 farmers who have decided enough is enough at circa 25 to 26ppl and who can blame them.
Average farmgate milk price pay-out for March was 29.72ppl
This is the DEFRA figure based on the average price paid into farmers bank accounts and Not based on a standard litre. The February price was 29.93ppl.